
All my senior friends are leaving and I don't know how to deal with that?


7 Answers

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

They're "leaving"?  Do you mean they're dying?  Sadly, death is a part of life we all have to deal with.  We're never prepared for it.  All you can do is remember the great times you had together and appreciate that.  I'm sure your friends would want it that way.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

It's what seniors do. They sell up and move on. Those of us who remain have to decide whether to make new friends or just plug along on our own.

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

You "deal with it" by realizing that individuals have their own lives, separate from yours.  Sometimes you can maintain contact with people who move away, sometimes not.  All it means is that everybody is getting on with their lives.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

You are going to find that throughout people are going to come and go. This is just the beginning of that process. If they are true friends you will keep in touch. If not they will just become part of the memories of this time of your life.

There are a large number if "friends" who left or that I left and it is and was fine. Everyone has their own path to follow, including you. Sometimes your paths intersect again and sometimes they don't.

At this moment I am typing this from a friend's house. I was the senior who "left her behind". We have sporadically kept in touch over the years, but now that children are grown and careers are made we have time to catch up.

Perry Nuttal Profile
Perry Nuttal answered

Take a photo of you all together, swap contact details,  move on to the next exciting, if not a little scarey, chapter of your life. There are plenty of friends out there waiting to meet you, some may be the best you will ever meet and will stick by you through thick and thin. First be your own best friend it's good grounding.

Michael Poland Profile
Michael Poland answered

The way death is viewed by many

will change in time. When my wife and I moved

to Sun City all the neighbors said it was the last stop.

Since then we have seen a lot of ambulances come and

go along with most of the neighbors and not return and

soon there after a for sale sign goes up. Love with all

your might, enjoy your life and, learn all you can about life.

Dakota Mackenzie Profile

The senior's last day was today at my school. I spent the day talking to my senior friends and it was very emotional. I'm very upset about them leaving, but I decided that I need to get over myself... Think about it, they're happy :) Be happy for them.

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