Finally, a question perfectly suited for me 😅
Don't sit in the very back of the class (if it's set up in a way that allows free seat choice). You'll look like you don't care about the lesson, prompting the teacher to call on you more
-Something my 7th grade English teacher taught me
The pulling long shirt sleeves over your hands thing, I still do that sometimes but the truth is, hiding your hands doesn't make you invisible. No one is going to look at your hands, people will look at the person with their arms in their shirt.
Twiddling with hair/pens/pencils/clothes. Sporadic movements like that are more likely to draw attention. Unwanted attention=anxiety=more sporadic movements=more anxiety
Take a mental health day every now and then, and on the weekends when you have free time, and give yourself pep talks before something new or a big event. Personally I keep inspirational sticky notes on my vanity mirror so I get a mini pep talk every morning.
Overall, just fake it til you make it. As much as I hate saying it, sometimes blending in with the crowd can really lessen anxious feelings and allows you to stand out on your own terms.
Good luck this year, you're going to do great ❤