Neither. I was the girl that hung out with all groups. I didn't pick on anyone and I didn't tolerate anyone else doing it either. Besides the nerds end up ruling the world. 🤓
I was the fat one! LOL! Also the shortest in my class so when they picked on me for being short I actually liked it cuz they were calling me small! However when they would call me fat I would always smile and say thank you. Eventually when they would go to "pick on me" the friends of the bullies would say "hay don't pick on her, she is too nice." Kindness got me through I guess! LOL!
I was very quiet and reserved in school, and often people would pick on me for that, like taking my stuff and asking me to say a rude phrase to get it back, just to get me to speak, or asking me stupid questions like "do you EVER talk?"
I was very glad to leave!
I didn't get picked on much, but I was the quiet girly kid whose friends were all female. I got picked on a bit.
I didn't pick on anyone and I wasn't picked on. I was on of those that hung on the fringes of several groups, but not really belonging to any. I also never tolerated anyone picking on anyone. I would step in if I saw it happening.
I was bullied in school.