The Trojan war of Homer's Illiad and the epic story of Odysseus in his Odyssey are related to ___ civilization?


3 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

🤔That answer most definitely would be in your History 📚or perhaps Geography📙 books. Here's an 💡READ THEM.

Do your own homework đź“’.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Might be useful to remember:

The Iliad tells the final chapter in the story of two major Bronze Age “Greek” alliances battling each other.  It ends when the Achaeans (people mainly from what we now call Greece) sack Troy/Ilium (located in modern day Turkey).

The Odyssey focuses on Odysseus and his family's struggle to recover from the Trojan war's after effects and, primarily, with Odysseus struggle to make it back home.

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