What do you think about learning? (i.e. Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?)


7 Answers

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Other than breath and food, very few things are more important, IMO.

Learning is essential to our development as emerging adults, as humans; it is intrinsic to our survival, and is the basis of our understanding of, and participation in, the world around us. Our ability to learn and reason advanced concepts makes us extraordinary among all species, and is the primary source of our prominence on this planet.

As long as I continue learning, I am further enriched and find ever more appreciation of life.

11 People thanked the writer.
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
...and you have trained those brain cells to function beautifully.
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
It's thoughtful Q's like these that keep me here. What good is enriching this mind if I keep the bounty for only myself?
KB Baldwin Profile
KB Baldwin answered

I love learning - as long as there isn't a test later.  My pursuit of learning isn't really organized - more "free range".  I will read or hear something and look it up, and that usually leads to something else, and that leads somewhere else.   

9 People thanked the writer.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Somebody once said that experience is a hard teacher: she gives the test first and the lessons later. Maybe having the test later isn't so bad. :(
Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Nina,

Learning first of all is very enjoyable...and as I get older, it seems more and more possible to assemble what I learn into a kind of understanding that goes beyond the brain.

In other words, learning is valuable because the whole is more than the sum of the parts.

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Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Dozy! That Tareyton ad? Well, it has made it into the Hall of Fame as one of the worst commercials ever...the battered woman stuff, of course...
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Virginia, there are a few. Is what you need to be careful of is that Kindle can only read Kindle books Kobo country Kindle books that can read anything under the ePub endings period
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
You know, if I do pursue this I will probably come back to you for more information anyway...
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

When you stop learning you become stagnant. Stagnant is the first step to dying. I hope to keep learning new things for may years to come.

Today I learned while most of the world's glaciers are shrinking, the Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina is still growing.

10 People thanked the writer.
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Gator Blu! Fascinating...did your source attempt to examine why?
PJ Stein
PJ Stein commented
The only have a couple of theories.
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
...that article is especially interesting because it mentions the other 48 or so glaciers in the Patagonian Andes are indeed shrinking!
Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Those six little questions of yours have been my companions throughout my life. Curiosity is a wonderful teacher, and those are the means of satisfying that curiosity.

Of course, sometimes I irritate people who are on less friendly terms with Who, What, When and their siblings.

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Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Dozy, at the risk of sounding harsh, well, let 'em suffer.

People do have some responsibility for how they perceive each other, to look for someone's intentions rather than just reacting knee-jerk and popping off.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
I've grown a very tough shell, Virginia. And, believe me, I've needed to. :(
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
BTW I saw your excellent question already but as soon as I finish answering my overnights I'm off outa here. I'll answer yours as soon as I get a chance.
Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

I love the unexpected learning that happens when I'm doing a task that I've done hundreds of times. Someone happens by, asks what I'm doing. I explain. They say something like - hey, what happens if you were to do this (whatever this is).

I try it and voila! We both learn something. I don't want to be so sanctimonious that I know everything and no one can teach me anything new.

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