I know a 'humdinger' is someone or something that is extraordinary...so a humbledinger is someone who is amazingly awesome but never brags or boasts about themselves ...kinda like me then ;)
It's a self-effacing humdinger of course :)
Never heard of that one before and couldn't find much. Oh well, maybe next time.
A dinger that's humble. Hehehehehehe!!!!!
Dear Otis,
A humbledinger is the name for the special hummingbirds of Sheffield in England; "modest yet beautiful, and pleasing to behold."
Oh and yes of course, that does include Jaimie JT, too...
It is a softer sounding doorbell.
Two men were standing side by side at a public convenience when one looked down at the other and said, "Wow! That's a humdinger!"
His neighbour looked across at the first guys diminutive schmeckle and said, "It would seem so to somebody who only had a humbledinger."