
Why would we need to know the median, mean, mode and range in real life?


3 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Median is something used when job hunting and house hunting. When job hunting you should know what the median income is for the job in the area you are looking for the job. You should then adjust up or down depending on your experience when asked what you expect for a salary.

In house hunting, or even apartment hunting, you should check out the median income, age, and education of any potential home. Most 20 somethings don't want to live with a bunch of senior citizens. Or if you are an introvert who has a masters degree in philosophy, you most likely don't want to live some place that has a general population of people who only have a high school diploma and 6 six kids. Or like my husband and I, who moved frequently. We looked for neighborhoods that were going up in value or at least held it when economic times were tough. All this information is online if you know how to read it.

Jenny Holmes Profile
Jenny Holmes answered

I asked that same question and life gave me the answer.

Those terms are only the scientific/mathematical terms. In real life, mean is the average of a series of numbers. You'll use it when you go out and eat with friends and you need to know what the amount is to be paid each of you when you split the bill equally. Median is the number that is in the most middle position within a series of numbers. For example, your trying to shop for a dress or a videogame and you need to know what amount is in the middle, not expensive but also not too cheap, you get the median. Mode is the number that appears the most in a series of numbers. It's basically the same logic as the majority vote. The one with the most amount wins and gets to be called mode. Range is the difference of the least number in the series to the the highest number. In real life, it's used basically as an answer to a subtraction question. Or if you're trying to save up $100 and you only have $60 right now, then the range is $40.

Again, all this are just terms.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Real life examples;

Mean: This is the" typical average ". In some part of the world, there are pairs of traffic cameras that take pictures of cars and measure the time between pictures are taken.Then they calculate the rate (distance/time). The result is the mean travel speed.

  Mean2: In school your final grade is a mean. Sum them then divided by your number and you have your score.

Mean3: Any per capita statistics  report.

Median: Used in reporting incomes.The median income in an area tells you  more what the" average" persons earned. A few astronomically high values from CEO's, Bill Gates etc the through the mean off. So the BLS uses median.

Mode: This one is less far common in everyday life.

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