The Relation Between Celsius And Fahrenheit Scale Of Temp Is Given By:C = (5/9)(F - 32), Or, F = (9/5)C + 32. Can You Calculate The Temp In C If The Temp In F Is 45°F. Also, Calculate The Temp In F If The Temp In C Is 98°C?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If the temperature in Fahrenheit scale is 45 degrees then in Centigrade it would be :
  C = (5/9)(F-32)
  =  (5/9)(45-32)
  =  (5/9)(13)
  =  7.22 C
If the temperature in C is 98 degrees then:
  F = (9/5)(98+32)
  =  (9/5)(130)
  = 234 F
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
7.2   208.4
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, and you can too.  :)
45F = 7.222...C
98C = 208.4F

I'll try to simplify things.

There are 4 easy ways to convert from one temp to another using a calculator (unless you can multiply and/or divide in your head).

C: Celsius
F: Fahrenheit
+: Plus
-: Minus
x: Times
/: Divided By
=: Equals

To convert from C to F:
C x 9 / 5 + 32 = F
C + 40 x 9 / 5 - 40 = F
C x 1.8 + 32 = F
C + 40 x 1.8 - 40 = F

To convert from F to C:
F - 32 x 5 / 9 = C
F + 40 x 5 / 9 - 40 = C
F - 32 x .5555556 = C*
F + 40 x .5555556 - 40 = C*

*The last 2 equations will never give you an exact temp.  The larger the number, the less accurate it is.  This is because .5555556 is actually .555...  For practical purposes with normal temps, just round C to the nearest number.

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