
1/4 Cup Equals How Many Tablespoons?


8 Answers

Deborah Mann Profile
Deborah Mann answered
Each quarter cup measurement contains four tablespoons - that means there are sixteen tablespoons in every cup measurement. A handy way to confirm this answer is by checking the markings on a standard stick of butter. Generally, these butter sticks will have special indicators that show exactly how to cut up the stick for baking. Most butter sticks show tablespoon markings to help cooks or bakers make exact measurements. When you measure butter or any other ingredient, you must create even, level tablespoons to get a perfect quarter cup measurement. A tablespoon is larger than a standard teaspoon, so be sure you use the right spoons from your drawer when you are putting together recipes for meals or desserts. You can also buy special measuring spoons if you want a truly accurate measurement every single time.

Reading measurements is a crucial part of making recipes come out perfectly. In baking, any deviation from a written recipe may result in disappointing results, such as cakes, muffins, or breads that don't rise properly. In order to use your ingredients efficiently, you should get in the habit of understanding how many tablespoons are found in a quarter cup, along with other popular and common recipe conversions. To more you know about measuring out ingredients, the more expert and professional your results will be. Gourmet cooks and pastry chefs take the time to measure out each recipe element perfectly, whether it is liquid or dry.

Doubling four tablespoons, or a quarter cup of ingredients, will result in half a cup of product - this will be eight tablespoon's worth. These handy measurements are an easy way to be certain that you are following the directions on your next delicious meal or treat. Practice makes perfect, so make a habit of measuring out ingredients and using uniform tablespoons filled with even layers of various ingredients - in no time at all, you'll be a true expert.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The formula to convert cup to teaspoons is
cup x 48 = teaspoons

so 0.25 x 48 = 12

so there is 12 teaspoons to 1/4 cup
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are 4 tablespoons in a 1/4 cup.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Look at a stick of butter it says on the wrapping, 4 tbs is 1/4 cup.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1/8 of a cup equals how many grams

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