How Do I Write A Letter To My Dear Friend Overseas Who Is Terminally Ill With Cancer?


2 Answers

Robin Burden Profile
Robin Burden answered
Writing a letter to a terminally-ill person can be really difficult. My recommendation is not to over-analyze what you're writing.

Of course this is a sensitive situation and you'll want to be careful not to offend or upset - but nothing will be more valued by your friend than a genuine and heartfelt letter from someone who knows and loves him/her.

Writing a letter to a terminally ill person In all honesty, no-one can tell you exactly what to write to a terminally-ill friend. The bond you share is personal and intimate, only you can really know what to write and what not to write.

The main thing to do is show support and love. Try to imagine if you were in such a vulnerable position, what would you want your friends to say to you?

Being reassuring and supportive is important, but you may not want to dwell on your friend's health problems too much.

How to write a letter to someone that is going to die
Sounding genuine and real is the most important thing. Someone with a terminal illness might simply crave going back to the way 'things were' before illness struck - he or she might be sick of being mollycoddled and protected all the time.

Sincerity and openness are always recommended.

Whilst I'm not suggesting you completely forget the fact that your friend is very ill, I think it's a good idea to show that you're interested in your friend for many other reasons besides their condition.

Go with your heart, show support and love, and I'm sure you'll be great!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think the best thing to do is to let her know she has your support and love, and write to her about whatever you would say if she wasn't ill.

Sign off letting her know you'll be there for her and tell her she can write to you about whatever she wants.

Good luck.

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