A year may be a leap year or a normal year. A normal year has three hundred and sixty five days where as a leap year which comes once in four years has three hundred and sixty six days. The reason for this is that a leap year has twenty nine days in the month of February and a normal year has only twenty eight days in that month. The number of minutes in a year is calculated as the number of days multiplied by the number of hours in each day multiplied by the number of minutes in each hour. In case of a normal year this would be three hundred and sixty five multiplied by twenty four multiplied by sixty and in the case of leap year this would be three sixty six multiplied by twenty four multiplied by sixty. Thus in a normal year there are five hundred and twenty five thousand six hundred minutes a year and in a leap year this is five hundred and twenty seven thousand and forty. If calculated as an average it works out to 525,948.766 minutes a year.