Round white on one side it has L405 the other side has 500mg
Blue round pill one side has 112 other side has ap
There are several websites that provide the details regarding a particular medicine based upon the markings on its face. These websites are sometimes free of charge and some times they charge a fee. The web sir provides information and identification regarding a drug based on the imprint codes or pill markings or pill number. Another website provides the same service for a fee. This websites also asks for certain other information regarding the shape, size and colour of the pill. They charge a fee of $7.95 for five identifications, $19.95 for forty and $49.95 for five hundred. Before typing in the number of the pill make sure you are reading it the right way. An M can look like a W or a 5 like a 2 so be careful. Once you have this result you can take the pill to a drugstore, buy the minimal quantity of the drug and check and see if it matches the pill.
Round white number on front and back
7252 93 and its small and round and pinkish
Brown round pill numbers 44 291 on 1 side
I found a round light green pill with 48-11 on it dose anyone know what it might be.
I'm looking up a pill I found at my house it is white and has ip 114 on it