
If I Am 5 Foot 10 How Tall Am I In Cm?


12 Answers

d ds Profile
d ds answered
There are 12 inches in a foot:
5 feet = 5 × 12
5 feet = 60 inches
Therefore 5 feet 10 inches = 60 + 10
= 70 inches
As we know:
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
70 inches = 70 × 2.54
= 177.8 centimeters.
Therefore 5 feet and 10 inches = 177.8 centimeters.
Robyn Rothman Profile
Robyn Rothman answered
1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters, 5 feet 10 inches I would convert to 177.8 centimeters.  5'10"=70 inches.  Therefore 70 X 2.54=177.8
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
178 cm is the right answer
sharon scott Profile
sharon scott answered
60 and 120
Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
One foot has about 30.5 cm to it.

Therefore, 510 feet would have:

Feet : Cm
1 : 30.5
510 : Z

z = 510 x 30.5
z = 15 555 cm

I hope you do mean 510 feet. If you mean 5 feet and 10 cm, then:

z = (5 x 30.5) + 10
z = 162.5 cm

Please choose the answer that is relevant to the correct question. Either way, the working stays the same.
Buenas dias!

Answer Question
