
How Long Should A Movie Script Be?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An ideal feature script should be about 110 pages. Figure about 40-50 scenes. A fast past script like action genre will be closer to 50 or so. These do not include establishing shots and such as scenes. Try to keep a scene under 3 pages. A few can go over, but not many.

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Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
This sounds a bit like the question "How long is a piece of string?" but in fact there are guidelines, although of course these vary enormously as do films themselves. Very roughly, a page (we will assume A4) of film script should equate to a minute's worth of dialogue, action or whatever is taking place in the film at that point.

Therefore, a typical two-hour film will need about 120 pages of script. Of course this is only an approximation, eg sometimes the action in the film will take a lot longer to describe than it does to perform or vice versa..

A professional script is a complicated document, and there is lot to learn in producing one besides just the writing. If you click here, you can get an idea of what it should look like, as well as a wealth of information on how a script is created.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
120 pages, every page is a minute.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A script should be no less than 75 pages. This coming from a man in the business.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I disagree with the other answers in some cases. If the writer is also the director, they can make the script shorter (i.e. One page = five minutes) and verbally describe what must happen in detail whilst directing each scene.

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