It is in the city of New York where you can find the headquarters of Kaplan INC and when you try to find some other famous companies that have their headquarters in the city of New York; you will find that it is full of financial institutions as New York is considered as the financial capital of the world.
Some people even say that why the headquarters of an educational company is in the financial centre of the world. For those people some scholars contend that the management of Kaplan INC is also like a financial company. Its CEO is considered as among the best in USA and in the 13 years period since he has taken charge, he has completely transformed the company by taking several strategic decisions that have long term impact in upgrading the financial status of the company.
Some people even say that why the headquarters of an educational company is in the financial centre of the world. For those people some scholars contend that the management of Kaplan INC is also like a financial company. Its CEO is considered as among the best in USA and in the 13 years period since he has taken charge, he has completely transformed the company by taking several strategic decisions that have long term impact in upgrading the financial status of the company.