answered question
A Tb test is only good at the very moment you had the test taken. The cashier at the check out counter of the clinic you have the test at can have Tb, sneeze on you, and... BAM.. You have TB. You need to have the test between now and when you plan on starting … Read more
answered question
Http:// Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. On this Wikipedia website on the right hand side a little ways down it lists the postal code as 11000. I don't know what you'll do with that, but I hope that helps.
answered question
In formula form where L=length and W=width, the problem reads: L=3+2W. Since a rectangle has 2 L's and 2 W's (perimeter), then we form a second equation: 2L+2W=30. This last equation can be divided by 2 to equal: L+W=15. Since you want to know the width (W), move this last equation around to be: W=15-L. … Read more
answered question
You did not just get cylindrical eye sight (astigmatism) by turning 22. Astigmatism comes from the size and shape of your eyes. As you age and use your eyes, they can change slightly. The astigmatism may get better or worse over time but should stay relatively stable.