Matt White
Matt White answered
  1. An informal meeting for the exchange of views.
  2. An academic seminar on a broad field of study, usually led by a different lecturer at each meeting.
Matt White
Matt White answered
He didn't. I can only assume that you're thinking of Vincent Van Gogh who, famously, was said to have cut off his own ear and give it (as a gift!?!) to his girlfriend. Apparently, he didn't either. New evidence has recently surfaced that Van Gogh lost (part of) his ear in an absinthe-fuelled fencing fight … Read more
Matt White
Matt White answered
Anomalous, exceptional, extraordinary, incomparable, inimitable, matchless, nonpareil, novel, peerless, primo, rare, singular, special, uncommon, unequaled, unexampled, unimaginable, unmatched, unparagoned, unparalleled, unprecedented, unrivaled