I'm a refugee from Answerbag® and Fluther®, because I didn't feel that I was getting what I was seeking from them, and another ABer told me about BLURTIT®, so here I am. I'm a freelance writer & researcher, who will sometimes answer a question with humor, sarcasm or both, and once in awhile, I might ask a totally nonsensical question, just for laughs.
Although I will answer or ask religious questions on occasion, I'm not a "religious" person, never have been a Christian and don't ever wish to become one, so please don't waste your time and mine, trying to convince me to become one. I always spell the name of our Creator as "Gawd," out of respect for my Jewish friends and relatives, whose teachings have them spell it as "G-d." It's my belief that The Almighty is a "non-interfering observer," meaning that s/he (gender indeterminate) watches us, the way we would watch a "soap opera" on TV. Just as we can only observe the characters and not interfere with their actions or dialogue, that's the way I view Gawd. I also believe that if I am wrong in my beliefs, that Gawd will tell me, using his/her own voice. When that happens, I'll do whatever Gawd wants me to do, with zero hesitation. I have no belief of any kind in a "Hell" or a "Devil," and believe that those things are totally fictional, and the concept of "Hell" was created, just to get kids to eat all of their oatmeal. I believe that "The Holy Bible" is mostly a work of fiction, but that it does have its good points.
I believe that sex between two consenting adults (regardless of marital status) is both wonderful and beautiful. Among three or more, it is FANTASTIC! I'm VERY open-minded, I believe, when it comes to all things sexual, but I don't approve at all of someone cheating on their mate, IF they are in a committed relationship. I am very proud to brag about the fact that I have never cheated on any of my mates, and that I have NEVER hit a woman, EXCEPT in karate class, during Tae Kwon Do sparring exercises. It's my sincere belief that women were placed on this Earth so men would have someone to spoil and pamper, and that's what I try to do to (and for) the women in my life, as much as my limited finances will allow. It's also my belief that the only reason men were placed on this Earth, is to open new ketchup bottles for women. Other than that, I can see no sound reason for men to exist. And if anyone thinks that women are the "weaker" sex, I invite any man alive to try to carry a fetus for nine months AND give birth to a baby, because if men could carry and bear children, there would be NO CHILDREN, period. I am in awe of women and what they can do. I also know that anyone with a vagina is REALLY "in charge" of this planet.
As my screen name implies, I am a life member of MENSA®, the "International High IQ Society," having joined in 1985. If you would like more information about that organization or think that perhaps you might qualify for membership, please visit this website for more details: http://www.us.mensa.org If you prefer, you can always contact me privately at my e-mail address: ScorpioMensan@yahoo.com
I am also a life member of the American Association for Nude Recreation ("AANR," formed in 1930), which is a group of around 50,000 nudists who simply enjoy doing fun things in the nude, because we, as a group, believe that "if Almighty Gawd had intended for human beings to be naked all the time, we would have been BORN that way!" By the way, there is a distinct difference between the words "naked" and "nude," in case you didn't know. If you look as you did the day you were born, you are "naked." If you add anything at all to that, you become "nude." "Naked" means "unadorned," while "nude" means, "adorned." So, if you take a totally naked-as-the-day-s/he-was-born person and add only a RING to that person, the person suddenly becomes "nude," and is no longer "naked." There are some folks who claim that if makeup or tattoos are added to a naked person, that person also becomes "nude," because they were not born with makeup or tattoos. Those folks who are interested in more information about nudist resorts, camps, parks and retirement villages, are encouraged to visit this website: http://www.aanr.com/ Their motto has always been, "Clothed when practical; nude when possible."
Politically, I'm an independent with an open mind, but I used to be a card-carrying member of the GOP (Republican Party) UNTIL I found out, by being a member, that they aren't much different than the Ku Klux Klan, and want the USA to be composed of white wealthy Christians, with non-whites acting as servants or occasional "sex toys." When I found out the truth about them and their agenda, I immediately resigned from the GOP ("Grumpy Old Prudes") and haven't voted for one of them, since 1986. And even though I am very much "anti-war" and believe that everyone on Earth should learn to love each other and accept the differences of their fellow Earthlings, I unfailingly support our president and our troops. I also believe in standing (with my hand over my heart) when I hear the National Anthem of the USA being played.
I have visited 38 of the of the USA states (including DC) and have resided in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Arizona, Texas, Hawaii (2 different islands) and since 1992, I've lived in Las Vegas, Nevada. The foreign countries I have visited include: Canada, Mexico, Australia, West Germany (1976), Italy and Austria.
I never had any kind of "father" or "dad," and was reared in Davenport, Iowa (my hometown) by my mother, who passed away in 1987. She will always be the most wonderful woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, but unfortunately for me, she was not my biological mother. I was the "result" of an assignation between a prostitute and her "client," and in 1949, the only place in the USA where a woman could have a safe and legal abortion, was Colorado, and because she couldn't afford to go there, she chose to abandon me the day I was born, by placing me for adoption. That turned out to be a GOOD thing, because I had the best mother any boy could ever hope to have.
I'm a recovered alcoholic, and haven't had any alcohol of any kind, since 1970, with the only exception being that I might use a mouthwash on occasion that has it, but because mouthwash isn't swallowed, I'm not worried about it. I smoked from 1965-79, when I successfully quit my addiction to nicotine, and I have never used any illegal drugs of any kind, EXCEPT that one time only, I smoked a marijuana "joint" on December 29, 1975, in Durango, Colorado, just out of curiosity (and under "carefully controlled conditions"). I wanted to know what it was all about, and I found out, Big Time.
I'm on this website (and have joined others like this one in the past) for four reasons. First and foremost, I'm here to meet and interact with new people and to make new friends. Secondly, I'm here to HAVE FUN! The third reason is to learn that which I do not know, because I have an almost unquenchable thirst for knowledge (which, unfortunately, I never had in school) and lastly, I'm here to share what little knowledge I have, with others, because I genuinely enjoy helping people get answers to their questions, or solutions to their problems.
My apologies are offered for this being such a lengthy and detailed "biography," but I felt that the more you learn about me from reading this, the less questions I might have to answer regarding my personal life, and the less likely it is that there will be any misunderstandings between us, in the future.
If you have any comments or questions about anything I've written here, just send me an e-mail to ScorpioMensan@yahoo.com Please mention the word BLURTIT in the subject line, so I don't treat your correspondence as spam and delete it without reading it.
Thanks for your time and attention, and please let me know when I doing well, and when I am NOT.