faby royan
faby royan answered
ESR is a time related test in which heavy metal bearing RBC settle down within one hour. Which can Indicate a problem in our immune system. PCV is packed cell volume which is a dermining factor of how much cells are present in a particular volume of blood.   Interestingly ESR is the only paramenter … Read more
faby royan
faby royan answered
All languages, especially spoken languages, change over the course of time. It is a universal law. This is mainly from contact with other cultures and languages when new vocabulary is added as well as gramatical rules are changed. Only one language in the world is immune to change and that is classical Indian language of … Read more
faby royan
faby royan answered question
It is natural in some persons to veins being popped out. Nature has arranged the systemeic supply of our blood circulation in such a way that all the arteries are deep seated within the soft tissues and veins places suprficially. So normally in lean persons veins do pop out which is not a symptom of … Read more
faby royan
faby royan answered
Greatest advantage is that if it is a true demorcay humar rights are given importance. People can change the ruler or administration after their tenure is over. The classical example is post independent India where a single party ruled for more that 30 years thru demorcatic means and a autocratic movement on the part of … Read more