
What is the average of the integers from 25 to 41?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

The answer is 33.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Here's how I worked out the average of the integers from 25 to 41 using a Google Spreadsheet:

1. Write the numbers 25, 26, and 27 into cells:

2. Highlight the three numbers, and drag that box down to create all the numbers up to 41.

3. In the cell below the numbers, type in =AVERAGE(A2:A18)

Obviously the cells inside the brackets will depend on what cells you're using - but A2:A18 are the cells that match the example I'm using.

This will give you your answer, 33.

In reality, all you're doing is adding all the numbers up and dividing by how many numbers there are (17). This is how you find the average out.

In this case, your answer is 33.

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