
How Do I Get A Copy Of My GED?


13 Answers

Lia Louis Profile
Lia Louis answered
You can get a copy of your GED in a few different ways. You’ll likely have to pay a small charge to get it, usually around $20. Most schools will send it to you electronically or by postal mail, whichever you choose.

The first way is by contacting the school in which you got the GED. This will be the easiest method. You can either call, write or visit the school’s website. If you call or write, just let them know your intentions. If it’s a school website, many have a direct link to order a copy of the GED where you’ll be able to pay the fee online with a credit card. If you can’t find a link to order one, go to Administration and send an email.

If the school that you got your GED from is no longer around, you can still get a copy. You’ll need to contact the state’s Department of Education. You can do this by going directly to their website. Go to the search box and enter "GED.” Many times they will give you a link to order the copy right online. Otherwise, it will give you an address to write a formal request to.

The time that it takes to process your order may vary from state to state or school to school. It will also depend on how long ago it was that you got the GED. If you graduated prior to 2000, the chances are, your diploma is in a paper format only, which means that some digging through files may be required. It is not uncommon to have to wait up to 4 weeks for a copy of your GED, so if you do not currently have a copy, you may want to order one sooner than later.
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
There are a number of ways for obtaining your GED copy. The simplest way is to request the Department of Education for a copy through a proper application. You can download the application form from the link below. Or you can pick up your record personally. The education office would need your full name, Social Security number, DOB, year of testing, Testing center and your address. The link is given below:
Copy of transcript
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can definitely get another copy. Just contact the school/institution that issued it in the first place with your ID and some nominal charge and they should be able to replace it. In some states like Texas and California, there is a separate agency like the Education Board or a records office that takes care of lost GED certificates.
theresa barron Profile
theresa barron answered
Usually the place where she took the ged can get her a copy,if not I'm sure they can direct you in the right place
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got my GED from a real estate  co in Phoneix, AZ and the certificate came from the state of Az, the sect of state, I need  a copy of it please help e. I can give you the Month and year. Thank You.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got my ged in 1979 I lost it a long time ago whe I got it it was threw a pogram that no longer is around what should I do
doctor C Profile
doctor C answered
Go to the place you took it at and request a copy or if it was completed online you need a code and student confirmation/account number to type in,other than that you may be able to call the office where its processed
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Just call the place where you took the testing and tell them that you need a new copy. If you can though, go in and talk to them. Hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got my g.e.d. Diploma san diego county while I was incarcerated in george bailey detention facility in 1997 I need a copy so I could in roll in to college a.s.a.p. Please I need help!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got my GED in Arizona in 1990-1991 at a community college and don't remember the name
Vanessa Tackett Profile
Vanessa Tackett answered
Contact the school that originally issued you your GED and tell them you need another copy ..They may ask for proof of identification
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I recieved my GED while incarerated in a GA. State prison. I have lost my certificate and need a copy for work. Can you please help me?

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