
Reasons For The Low Literacy Rate In Pakistan. State Them.


14 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Reason for low literacy rate in pakistan are wide and numreous in which more imporant poverty , illiteracy specially among the male, over population, low femaale literacy(reason are coeducation, distance of school,patriarhal system in our society), lack of awareness of importance of education, urbanisation, low government spending or low expenditure of government as compare ot defence expenditure which is 25:1,larege family size .low literacy among low section of Society like rural people ,people of katchi abadis, all these and many more reaons which are simultaneously effect on our literacy rate.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Despite of the fact that poverty,underdeveloped rural areas and conventional thinking about education caused so much in decreasing litteracy rate but the carelessness of govt is also reponsible for this issue. We aimed to increase the literacy ration to 85% from 56% in next five years but we didnt increase our budget for education with the same rate.
We know that the 36.1% population of pakistan live under the poverty line means they can't afford even the basic necesities of life then what the govt is doing to include this 36% in literacy rate?
Therfore we can just make plans bcz we are ourselves are not serious in implementing our plans
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Main causes are that urban areas in Pakistan are less whereas rural areas are more, rural areas are not developed and most of the areas don't have schools and if they do then they are of very low standards, in many areas people don't send their daughters to schools as they believe it is worthless to send them, it is just wasting of money, some people are brain washed who believe that education is against Islam, basically they are following to the muslims who had said this before independence of pakistan to deny british education, that time the british was being quite unfair to the muslims after the war of independence of 1857, british believed muslims were the ones who mainly did this revolt against british and they took some measures against muslim community by not funding muslim schools and rather forcing them to take british education aur none at all and even christanity was being taught in those british schools(not sure that they were forcing non-christian students to study it) in return the muslims had announced that getting educated is not allowed in Islam until sir syed ahmed khan made them realize so there are still many people who  are quite stupid and don't realize and are still going on with the same policy, The government hasn't taken a lot of steps to provide free education to children as well so there are a lot of families who are unable to send their children to school because they cannot pay any fees and this way they tell their little children to seek employment rather than sitting idle at home
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One of the main cause of low literacy rate in Pakistan is the male dominated society that creates many obstacles in the way of acquiring education by female citizens of the country. Especially people living in interior areas do not allow their daughters to schools, also wadera system reign in small areas of the country where these prestigious people feel insult to send their females out of the house and keep them bound in the four walls of the house. This kind of attitude decreases the literacy rate of our country. Such people are not aware of the teachings of Islam and many Ahadees in which our beloved Muhammad (PBUH) has said: "To achieve education is mandatory for both male and female and seek it no matter if you have to go to China." We must try to create awareness among the citizens of Pakistan so that we may get a remarkable position throughout the world by the power of knowledge.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think illiteracy is not only the cause for the rural areas people. If we se the urban areas then many of the families are not afford the fees of the children thats why they don't send their children in school they send their children to the workshop and the hotels and the shops because of the money. I think infilination is the main cause of illitercy because wealth is power. If anybody is wealthy then he afford all the expenses of family
Furqan Behlim
Zain Aamir Profile
Zain Aamir answered
Our country is classified into the 3rd World countries mainly due to the connection of poverty with education or Literacy Rate. Poverty is the biggest disadvantage and the largest obstacle in the development of our country. Our country is an agricultural country and the profession of many people living in Pakistan is with this vast category. The people in this category and the farmers are unable to feed their families fully and as a result, development stops and population increases.

This great increase in the population of the Pakistan is a hindrance in the correct and efficient caring of the family. That is why many of the people are unable to provide such and such level of education to their children and so the literacy rate of the country on the whole decreases. The second main problem is related to the people living in villages and other small places. It is said that the population of the villages is many times more than of the urban people. This is why the people cannot teach and train their children and a vast number of illiterate children remain in the country.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Economic crises
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are many causes that support illiteracy and as for Pakistan is considered, illiteracy is widespread. There are a majority of Pakistanis most probably in the rural settlements who see children as assets. Boys mean additional help for farming families while girls help mothers in household chores. The costs of clothing, shelter and food for them is low with hardly any costs for education. Such people think that education is not important in life and their kids don't need any education, but the truth is they are the future generation of Pakistan. Illiteracy results in over-population that is very common. We see poor families with ten twenty kids, if this keeps going on longer Pakistan might be in much deeper crises. We don't have a birth control policy we might as well train some mullahs to tell people to stop producing babies!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As we know that literacy rate of Pakistan in 2010 is 56% which is very low literacy rate.There are many reasons for the low literacy rate in Pakistan.One of the main reason is the Non-seriousness of the government towards education.Providing free books or providing free education to the low income people is not enough.They should take major steps which will really work in increasing the literacy rate of Pakistan.To expect something without doing anything will not work.They should open government educational institutions as many as they can and provide best and qualified teachers or professors.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In urban areas, fees is responsible and second but not least factor is convience problems.1st parents pay a lot fees with many funds and than van charges.government should not take charges 4rm students.

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