
Are Criminals Wicked And Deserve Punishment? On The Basis Of Chapter Bishops Candlesticks Class Debate


15 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Criminals are wicked and deserve punishment. Committing a crime shows one lacks in ethics and values, and implies a person is lacking in any overall good. The fact that a person committed a crime is a reflection of their true self. If one is unable to live by ethical standards and chooses to do wrong, they are wicked. By being wicked and acting as such, then they deserve to face harsh consequences for their actions. Different actions have different levels of unethical standards, and thus the punishment must fit the crime...
Yes, they are ALL wicked and need to be publicly executed, save the taxpayers from trillions of dollars. When squeaky from just got released last week, she was in prison for 40yrs.The average cost per criminal in prison is 30,000 to 40,000 dollars. Do the math, she alone cost ALL taxpayers in this country (not just the state she was imprisoned in)1 million and some odd dollars, that is outrageous! She was an accessory to MURDER, she herself must be murdered instead of being let go. Her victims weren’t "let go" now were they? I'm all in favour of the VICTIM, not the rat hole criminal!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Criminals are wicked and deserve the bishops candlesticks the convict first steals to buy food for his wife then when he escapes from there he always had a tendency to  steal.he stole food and bishops candle sticks. Once a person becomes a thief then he will be one for the rest of his life.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No they didn't deserve any kind of punishment.Because man is not a criminal by birth.His
conditions make him a good man or a criminal
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Crime is to be hated not the criminals so I think that criminals should not deserve punishment instead they should be sent in vocational schools and become a good man instead of beast.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
O, I think that firstly we have to give him a chance and if he do not come on rigth path then we have to give him punishment
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Criminals should given punishment in some situations, but not all the situations, because sometimes situations make them criminals but not their minds

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I  think that criminals should not be punished. 

No one is born criminal...The circumstances force them to be criminal. We should understand their feelings and try to transform them instead of giving them punishment .... Ya! 

Sometimes they deserve punishment understanding the level of crime they committed but every one should be given a chance.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

They should be punished coz they have done something which has harmed someone else , we can do one thing that we can give the a less punishment or send them to a reform center but punishment is important . And if they don't care abt someone then why should we do that, if we will leave him/her like this the they will do the crime again thinking that they will again be free.

Punishment is important

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yup!they do deserve punishment but after understanding the level of crime that he or she has done.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Criminals deserve to pay thier dues, but more important is the need to show a little more understanding and wisdom in judging the individual and not the crime
Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
A bishop's mitre is a kind of unique headdress that is worn by bishops in the Anglican and Roman Catholic Church. It can be made of either paper or cloth. You need to get a square piece of cloth or paper. Fold it in half from bottom to top. Now take the right hand bottom corner and fold it to the top centre point such that it looks like a square on the left and a triangle on the right.

Similarly crease the left hand top corner to the centre of the bottom. Now you have two triangles next to each other. Flip the material over so that you have a parallelogram without any folds. The parallelogram should have the right top corner and bottom left extending out. Fold the parallelogram in half bottom to top and pull pout one of the tips that have remained inside out. You will now have two overlapping triangles with the points facing you. Fold the lower triangle in half under the first triangle. Flip it over and follow the same procedure with the other side. For a video instruction try logging on to>.

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