
What Is A Four Letter Word With The Pattern Consonant, Vowel, Consonant, Consonant?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are probably a few uncommon words or slang expressions that I've missed, but what about these?

Cabs dabs jabs nabs tabs
back hack jack lack pack rack sack tack
fact pact tact
cads dads fads pads tads wads
daft raft
bags fags gags hags lags mags rags sags tags wags
calf half
balk talk walk
ball fall gall hall mall pall tall wall
calm palm
[gals] pals
halt malt salt
damp lamp ramp [vamp]
cams dams hams jams lams rams yams
band hand land sand wand
bang fang gang hang rang sang tang
bank sank tank
bans cans fans [LANs] pans tans vans
can't pant rant want
caps gaps laps maps naps paps raps saps taps
barb [carb]
bard card hard lard ward yard
farm harm warm
barn darn tarn yarn
tarp warp
bars cars mars pars [SARS] tars wars
cart dart fart hart part tart
bash cash dash gash hash lash mash rash sash wash
bask cask task
gasp rasp wasp
bass lass pass sass
cast fast hast* mast past vast wast*
bath hath* math path
bats cats fats hats mats pats rats vats
dawn fawn lawn pawn sawn yawn
jaws laws paws saws yaws
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are quite a few words with that pattern. I'll type some:ball,hall, mall, wall, pass,past, part, tart, cart,wart, cast,fast, last, mast, dart, fart, malt,salt, halt,bask, dark, lark,mark,park,hash,gash,lash,bash,cash,dash,wash,mash,rash,sash, mask,task, cask, balm, calm,farm,harm,palm etc.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
There are probably a few uncommon words or slang expressions that I've missed, but what about these?

cabs dabs jabs nabs tabs

back hack jack lack pack rack sack tack

fact pact tact

cads dads fads pads tads wads


daft raft

bags fags gags hags lags mags rags sags tags wags


calf half

balk talk walk

ball fall gall hall mall pall tall wall

calm palm

[gals] pals

halt malt salt


damp lamp ramp [vamp]

cams dams hams jams lams rams yams

band hand land sand wand

bang fang gang hang rang sang tang

bank sank tank


bans cans fans [LANs] pans tans vans

cant pant rant want


caps gaps laps maps naps paps raps saps taps

barb [carb]

bard card hard lard ward yard


farm harm warm

barn darn tarn yarn

tarp warp

bars cars mars pars [SARS] tars wars

cart dart fart hart part tart

bash cash dash gash hash lash mash rash sash wash

bask cask task

gasp rasp wasp

bass lass pass sass

cast fast hast* mast past vast wast*

bath hath* math path

bats cats fats hats mats pats rats vats


dawn fawn lawn pawn sawn yawn

jaws laws paws saws yaws

McGee Profile
McGee answered
There are also words such as land, band, hand, sand, wand, and also can't if you can count the apostrophe.

Answer Question
