
How To Find The Rule And Equation From A Table?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
X= 1, 2, 3, 4
y= 6, 7, 8, 9
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
X= 1   2    3    4Y= 3   5    7    9By how many numbers does 'Y' skip?answer= 2'Y' skips every 2 numbersso Y= 2xNow choose the 1st number of 'X'Which is 1so The answer is Y= 2x+1
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You look at the number(s) given and decide how you get from a to b ex:
1    l   __
2    l  13
8    l  7
18  l  __
The rule is 15-a=b
find out what you do to get b that's all!

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