
What Is A 114 On An IQ Test?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depends upon the test, since there are  a number of different IQ tests.  The standard test used by Mensa uses the following scale adjusted for age.  IQ also increases several points (5 to 9 points on average) between childhood and maturity.
1 - 19       Profound Mental Retardation
20 - 34     Severe Mental Retardation
35 - 49     Moderate Mental Retardation
50 - 69     Mild Mental Retardation
70 - 79     Borderline Mental Retardation
80 - 114   Average Intelligence (100 iq is baseline average)
115 -129  Bright
130 - 144 Moderately Gifted (Superior)
145 - 159 Highly Gifted
160 - 175 Exceptionally Gifted (Genius)
over 175  Profoundly Gifted
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey Mine is 132 too small world!
Kyoko Katayama Profile
Kyoko Katayama answered
High normal range
Cindy Thompson Profile
Cindy Thompson answered
Very superior intelligence.
An IQ test is to measure your ability. If someone doesn't apply themselves at school they will get bad grades. A person with a high IQ shouldn't expect more out of himself either. Just do your best. Congratualation if this was your score.

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