
What Is The Speeding Tolerance Allowed Before Being Fined?


6 Answers

paul williams Profile
paul williams answered
It's up to the officer. I have heard 5 miles on hour over and yet you could still get fines for 1 mile over. Anything over the speed limit is fineable
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depending on the operator and the equipment if you decide to fight it .As a rule if they give you a ticket in most states you will be fined
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
I get a kick out of people who think that you can legally go over the limit by 10 miles an hour. You can be just 1 mile over, and if the officer feels like it, he can give you a ticket. Not saying they he would, but he can if the mood strikes him or her. Hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As a police officer myself it's typically within 5 MPH. Some cops will give one even if your 1 MPH but if you get fined you can't fight it because technically you were driving over the speed limit. So if you get a ticket either go to court try to beat it, or hopefully the officer wont show up. Or you can just pay it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Generally speaking, anything over the limit is finable, but usually most officers tend not to pull people as long as they are going 5 mph or less over the limit, except in high hazard areas such as school zones and heavy pedestrian zones.  It is usually a good idea to find out what the policy is by actually asking one ore two local cops about it, usually when you are not behind the wheel of a vehicle, as each jurisdiction has their own leeway interpretations.

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