What Is The Difference Between Formal Education And Informal Education?


16 Answers

lesley louis Profile
lesley louis answered
A formal education is one where you would go to a college or university for an actual degree.

An informal education is simply learning a trade from someone else.

It’s possible to have a formal education and an informal education.

The formal education is what most employers would prefer to see because it is easier to prove.  Having a degree in a specific field will mean that you have certain knowledge that will translate into a better paying job and the company that’s employing you getting a qualified person for the job.

An informal education is what many people end up having.  You work under someone who has a degree or has been doing it for enough years to be knowledgeable about the subject.  Many car mechanics and other "trade” skills usually have an informal education as to what they’re doing.

Informal education can also be referred to as life experience.  After going through life for so many years, you’ll naturally acquire some knowledge about different things that you may not even learn after going through a formal education.  This life experience can often be translated into college credit if you are looking to go back to school to either get or finish a degree.

A formal education will ultimately cost more money than an informal education, however the pay for the aforementioned usually makes up for the initial investment required.  At the end of the day, some sort of education is better than nothing and will help you to find a good job, if not a great career.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Formal education is the education we obtain from instruction at schools or other institutions and have predetermined curricullum; whereas informal education is the knowledge we get it from life experience.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Formal education is the education that takes place in school and it involve teachers and student.The teacher impart knowledge on the student while the student acquire knowledge from the teacher.Informal education is the education that takes place outside the school
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
*needs teachers &students*person leaned by himself
*leaned from school*learned from life experience
*provides certificate*no certificate offed
Daniel Sandoval Profile
Daniel Sandoval answered
Formal would be at a school that is acredited, informal would be workshops, lectures that are held outside of any school, or even your own personal interests that you study on personal time.  Most of my research is based on informal study.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think of it differently.  formal education is any type of education where you walk in knowing that you are going to be taught something by someone who is more knowledgeable on the subject than yourself.  this can include workshops and lectures, and definitely doesn't have to be an accredited school.  informal education is education that happens as a result of life events.  you learn things as you age.  for example, I learned massage as part of my formal education.  I learned how to cook as part of my informal education.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Education is öne of the basic activities of people in all human societies.
Formal education is the process of training and developing people in knowledge.
Informal education the family,newspapers,social gathering are some important informal education
sweet girl Profile
sweet girl answered

A formal education means what you learned in school. Informal education means what you learned from experience or by studying on your own initiative.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Formal education is the types of education that takes place in school while informal education is the types of education recieves outside the school which as know time table or curriculum.informal education can also be called hidden curriculum.
chris mumbi Profile
chris mumbi answered

FORMAL EDUCATION is the education that is done inside the school set-up. Besides it has the curriculum,the time tables are followed and the exams are set.

INFORMAL EDUCATION  a person acquires this type of learning from birth until death, this simply means that it is a life long education.therefore in this type of education people learn from different agencies like HOMES,COMMUNITIES,CHURCHES etc.meaning people can learn any time becouse it has no time tables.     

allen nicol Profile
allen nicol answered

Formal education is 
running from primary school through the university and it is including 
general academic studies, institutions
for full-time technical and professional training. But the informal education is the truly lifelong process whereby every individual acquires attitudes, values,
skills and knowledge from daily experience and
resources in his or her environment ,that is  from family and  from work and
play, from the market place, the library and the media.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Formal education is something which you get while you visit a physical campus. Informal education is something which you get from other mediums. An example of informal education may be online study which is earned without visiting a campus.

priti padole Profile
priti padole , priti, answered

A formal education means what you learned in school. Informal education
means what you learned from experience or by studying on your own

Sumathi Sumi Profile
Sumathi Sumi answered

Formal education is classroom-created, provided by trained instructors. Informal education
happens outdoor, in after-institute programs, community-based establishments, exhibition hall, libraries, or at home.

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Taila Nevado Profile
Taila Nevado answered

Formal education occurs when lessons are taught in institutions
such as schools whereas informal one takes place outside the classroom. For
instance, at home or in libraries with friends. It is not limited to a
particular setting. In my opinion, formal education is more efficient as I was
able to concentrate more at school.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Formal and Informal Education

The fascinating difference between formal and informal education is that formal education provides a predetermined package that children are expected to absorb whether they get it or not, want it or not, connect to it or not .

thanked the writer.
Asalepele Millicent Mimi Thobolo
What about informal education?
Mathew Robin
Mathew Robin commented
I personally think that the formal education is the course or education we obtain from instruction at schools or other institutions and have predetermined curriculum; whereas the informal education is the knowledge we get it from life experience.

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