
Which Universities Came Under NTS?


1 Answers

Nicole Manion Profile
Nicole Manion answered
  • The answer

Take a look at this website: , as it should help you to find the information that you require; it goes into detail in all of the different sections of NTS and provides both a frequently asked questions page and contact information for you to get in touch should you any further queries.

  • About NTS

NTS, also known as the National Testing Service, provides many services such as consulting and data processing services, as well as the much used National Aptitude Test, or NAT as it is more commonly referred to. This test is used throughout many universities and, should you pass, the result is only valid for one year.

  • Registering to take a National Aptitude Test

Before you attempt to take this test, you should first make sure that the universities that you wish to apply to require it else you could be wasting both time and money, especially seeing as there are only 24 that call for it.

Should you find however that you will need to sit the test, then applying to do so could not be easier. Simply follow the link at the top of the page to the application form and fill it in. You will also need to provide two photos of your face that are a true representation of yourself, both of which need to be approximately one inch by one and a half inches in diameter, and a deposit of 600 rupees.

  • Why should you bother?

Going to university is not only an opportunity to further your knowledge on a particular subject, but also a chance to develop some of your more personal attributes, such as confidence, as well, therefore enabling you to achieve the other goals that you may set yourself in later life.

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