What Is A Factor Of This Polynomial? X2-x+2? What Is A Factor Of This Polynomial? 9-4xy-y2-x2?


1 Answers

amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
X2 - x + 2

= x2 - 2x + x + 2

= x(x - 2) + (x - 2)

= (x - 2)(x + 1)

Factors of x2 - x + 2
are  (x - 2) and (x + 1)

9 - 4xy - y2 - x2

x = {-b + √(b2- 4ac)}/2a

x = {-4y + √(16y2- 4(1)(y2 - 9)}/2(1)

x = {-4y + √(12y2+ 36)}/2

x = {-4y + √12(y2+ 3)}/2

x = {-4y + √2*2*3(y2+ 3)}/2

x = {-4y + 2√3(y2+ 3)}/2

x = 2{-2y + √3(y2+ 3)}/2

x = -2y + √3(y2+ 3)

Factors of 9 - 4xy - y2 - x2   are {-2y + √3(y2+ 3)} and {-2y - √3(y2+ 3)}
thanked the writer.
Oddman commented
If you believe you have found the factors, you can check your work by multiplying them together. If you get the original expression, well done. I don't believe you'll find you get that result with these answers.
I believe you'll find neither of these expressions factors nicely. The first has complex factors, the second has the roots you show, but the factors need to be shown in the form -(x-r1)(x-r2). (note the sign)

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