17/50*100% = 34%
When we want to convert a fraction to a percentage, we need to get the denominator too 100 by multiplying it by something (simply take 100 and divide it by your numerator). Whatever you multiply to the denominator, we must do to the denominator. Hence:
100 / 50 = 2
17/50 * 2/2 = 34/100
Now, whatever number that is over 100 is that percentage:
17/50 = 34/100 = 34%
This is how you change a fraction into a percentage by hand!
100 / 50 = 2
17/50 * 2/2 = 34/100
Now, whatever number that is over 100 is that percentage:
17/50 = 34/100 = 34%
This is how you change a fraction into a percentage by hand!
That would be 0.34% I hope this helped.