Fractions are used in order to compare ratios of two numbers. They're used for expressing the value of a part of something in comparison to its whole. For example, 1/8 of a pie would be equivalent to 1 piece of the pie that has been cut into equal 8ths. The top digit of a displayed fraction is known as the numerator and relates to the fraction of the whole. The bottom digit is known as the denominator and relates to the whole. For example, a fraction of 2/5 means that the value that is being expressed by the fraction is equal to 2 parts of a whole that is split into 5 equal parts.
A percentage (per cent. Per hundred in Latin) expresses the fraction of a whole over 100. This means that a percentage is equivalent to a fraction of the same value numerator over a denominator of 100. For example, a percentage of 67% has the fraction value of 67/100.
Generally when dealing with fractions it is common to reduce the numerator and denominator as much as possible without going into digits that use a decimal place. For example a percentage of 25% is equal to the fraction value of 25/100. Dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same value can reduce this fraction. In this case dividing both numbers by 25 would give the fraction value 1/4. The fraction 1/4 shouldn't be reduced to 0.5/2 as this uses a digit containing decimals as the numerator value.
When percentage values are given with a decimal place, the numerator and denominator of the given fraction are multiplied by a multiple of 10, depending on how many decimal places are given. For example a percentage value of 23.5% would give the fraction 23.5/100. Multiplying both numbers by 10 would give 235/1000. If the percentage value given has 2 decimal places, for example 23.55%, both digits of the given fraction would be multiplied by 100. Giving the fractional value 2355/10000.
There are a few important steps you need to follow in order to successfully convert a percentage into a fraction.
Step 1
First you must write the percentage number over 100. For example if it was 20 per cent then you would write:
Step 2
As this is a whole number it makes it a lot easier to work out the fraction. For 20 per cent the fraction would 20/100, which could then be broken down to 1/5.
You will find many more examples of how to convert percentages to fractions on sites such as
With maths, and specifically equations, the best way to successfully complete them is with practise. As practise will ensure you are able to remember each equation and the steps you need to take to complete the question correctly.
When it comes to exams you won't be allowed to have the equations written down; it will all have to be from memory. A good way of remembering is to keep it fresh in your mind. This means practising questions throughout the year and not just rush and cram revise before an exam. You will find it will sink in a lot easier this way.
A percentage (per cent. Per hundred in Latin) expresses the fraction of a whole over 100. This means that a percentage is equivalent to a fraction of the same value numerator over a denominator of 100. For example, a percentage of 67% has the fraction value of 67/100.
Generally when dealing with fractions it is common to reduce the numerator and denominator as much as possible without going into digits that use a decimal place. For example a percentage of 25% is equal to the fraction value of 25/100. Dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same value can reduce this fraction. In this case dividing both numbers by 25 would give the fraction value 1/4. The fraction 1/4 shouldn't be reduced to 0.5/2 as this uses a digit containing decimals as the numerator value.
When percentage values are given with a decimal place, the numerator and denominator of the given fraction are multiplied by a multiple of 10, depending on how many decimal places are given. For example a percentage value of 23.5% would give the fraction 23.5/100. Multiplying both numbers by 10 would give 235/1000. If the percentage value given has 2 decimal places, for example 23.55%, both digits of the given fraction would be multiplied by 100. Giving the fractional value 2355/10000.
There are a few important steps you need to follow in order to successfully convert a percentage into a fraction.
Step 1
First you must write the percentage number over 100. For example if it was 20 per cent then you would write:
Step 2
As this is a whole number it makes it a lot easier to work out the fraction. For 20 per cent the fraction would 20/100, which could then be broken down to 1/5.
You will find many more examples of how to convert percentages to fractions on sites such as
With maths, and specifically equations, the best way to successfully complete them is with practise. As practise will ensure you are able to remember each equation and the steps you need to take to complete the question correctly.
When it comes to exams you won't be allowed to have the equations written down; it will all have to be from memory. A good way of remembering is to keep it fresh in your mind. This means practising questions throughout the year and not just rush and cram revise before an exam. You will find it will sink in a lot easier this way.