Examples of fraction changed to decimals
To change a fraction by a decimal all you have to do is divide the numerator by the denominator. Then with that answer the decimal points will make it a decimal. It's that easy :)
But what if it'sa uneven fraction?
Divide the numerator by the denominator
Oh my god you guys r so dum thats not how you do it mother flowers
You have to write it how you say it
This is a very simple question. All you need to do is divide the numerator by the denominator. The answer will be in decimals. A calculator can do that pretty easily.
First you divide the numerator by the dividend the add them and subtract the answer you got when you divided from the adding stage.
That is not true bcus if you do for example 2/3 2 divided my 3 is 1 remainder 1 so therefore the answer would be 1.1 which is not true the correct answer is 0.67