In decimal, 1.00 is always 100%. While half of it is 0.5, or 50%. 5% is 0.05.
The general rule is to shift the decimal point on a percent to the left twice (which is the same as dividing by 100).
5% becomes:
5 (forget the % sign)
.5 (shift left once)
.05 (shift left twice)
So 5% = .05 = 0.05
or you can just divide by 100 on a calculator:
To change from a decimal to a percent, you just shift RIGHT twice or MULTIPLY by 100 instead.
The general rule is to shift the decimal point on a percent to the left twice (which is the same as dividing by 100).
5% becomes:
5 (forget the % sign)
.5 (shift left once)
.05 (shift left twice)
So 5% = .05 = 0.05
or you can just divide by 100 on a calculator:
To change from a decimal to a percent, you just shift RIGHT twice or MULTIPLY by 100 instead.