
What Does Correlation Mean?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The way in which a line in a graph goes. If it goes up as it goes to the right it is positive. And if it goes down as it goes to the right it is negitive.
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
Correlation is a word that is usually used to shows the relationship between two things. The word is used only when you want to show where one thing stands in relation to another one. Most of the times you will find that the word is being used in conjugation with 'between' and sometimes it is also used as described here; correlation of A with B.

You can better understand the word with the following use: There must have been a direct correlation between the exposure to the sun and the skin cancer. There is another sentence also that can make the meaning more clear: the correlation of social power with that of wealth.

There are some derivatives also that are being used in their respective context. One of the derivatives is 'correlative' which conveys the idea of being closely related or dependent on each other.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The word correlation Means that there is a relationship between two thing. And the word no correlation means that there is not a single relationship between the two objects or things.

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