The graph y=√(x) is shifted 9 unit up and 2 unit to the left. What is the equation of the translated function?


1 Answers

Rosie Normanton Profile
Rosie Normanton answered
The equation of the translated function is y=(√(x+2)+9. The function has been shifted nine units up the y-axis, meaning the new answer will be nine units bigger than the answer under the previous function. It has also been shifted two units to the left.

The mathematical rule here is more complex - two must be added to the old function in a bracket with the x. You may be wondering why you are adding rather than subtracting two - this is necessary because of the way the graph function works.

To remember this, memorize the phrase 'awkward in the house'. The phrase comes from the fact that teenagers (learning mathematics) feel awkward at home with their parents and would rather be out with friends. When a number is in brackets, it is in the house, and therefore is awkward, so the sign must be changed.

  • Graphs in mathematics

Functions such as the one in the title can be displayed on mathematic graphs, which represent what happens to the x values as the y values change, or vice versa.

Graphs are a very useful tool and can be used to work out various calculations, including quadratic equations and complex roots. Basic graphs can be sketched using a pencil and paper. More complex graphs can be formed using computer software. This software can be found freely on the Internet, on a number of maths-related study websites.

  • Mathematics in the 21st Century

As computer systems become more sophisticated, the ability to work out mathematical problems manually has shrank in importance. That said, employers do not underestimate the importance of mathematics - if anything, they consider it more important as traditional qualifications are replaced by more modern ones. The study of mathematics beyond the age of 16 is become increasingly popular as teenagers realize how it could affect their future career.

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