
My Son Is Doing A Project,anything To Do With The 1960's. Any Suggestions,because I'm Running Out Of Ideas?


2 Answers

Gillian Smith Profile
Gillian Smith answered
There are no end of things to be found in literature and on the internet to do with the 1960's

As well as the ideas already suggested he could look at the Cold War , especially the relationship between Russia and the USA. The assination of Kennedy and the ' You've Never Had it So Good' propaganda that was going on in Britain since the 1950's at the time.
In the 1960's students in Europe and America were very active politically and vocally - especially against the war in Vietnam.
Vietnam was a major issue in the 1960's.
The situation in Northern Ireland is a good political issue and the election to MP of Bernadette Devlin as a young woman in Northern Ireland is interesting as it broke many traditions for Catholic women in the North.
The growth of the Scottish Nationalist Party in Scoptland could be mentioned.
What was happening to the USSR is of great significance as well as the Middle East and Arab - Isreali relations
For those of us growing up here the the UK the music scene was so important. The Beatles, Rolling Stones and so many others hit the music scene and changed it beyond recognition. Girls found new freedom from the traditional roles of the pst and birth control was revoluntionised with the availablity of the Pill. Young men too found a freedom not previously available to men but this was offset by the consequences of the Vietnam War for many young American males.
The was the Flower Power movement, more chances to go into higher education and higher expectations generally.
Travel abroad became more available to the population at large.
In Uk we saw a movement towards the destruction of many beautiful, old buildings in our cities and much to our shame the face of cities such as Liverpool changed beyond recognition and not for the best.
Models such as Twiggy and designers such as Mary Quant made headline news. Fashion - the mini skirt and geometric patterns and hair styles all emerged. Long hair for the boys caused a stir!
Try a search on Google for society and politics in the 1960's and you'll find a wealth of information on this unique era.
Christopher Adam Profile
If your son is interested in doing a paper on the US Civil Rights movement in the 1960s, he will easily find an abundance of sources on this topic. I recommend Diane McWhorter' book "Carry Me Home," which is an excellent, informative read on the start of the Civil Rights movement in Birmingham, Alabama. This is certainly not your run of the mill, dry history text, but a very captivating journalistic work.

McWhorter examines the struggle between freedom riders, members of the KKK, the black Christian church and Birmingham's municipal administration. All of these groups had a vested interest in the question of Civil Rights, one way or another.

Another good idea for a paper on the 1960s would be to look at the baby-boomers. By the late sixties, most of them were college students and they really changed the socio-cultural fabric of the US, and possibly western Europe as well. They challenged the quiet, status quo suburban lives led by their parents and joined pacifist groups, Communist or socialist organizations and, in some cases, upstart sects and cults.

There is plenty to look at in the 1960s--it is a great decade for a school project.

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