I am sorry that your son is experiencing bullying at school and this has now made him too scared to attend.
Here are some things you could do :
Talk to the school principle
The fact that your son is experiencing bullying and is too scared to go to school is concerning and it would be wise to arrange a meeting with the school principle. Talk to your son's principle and tell her your situation and how this is affecting your son. The school should have their own policies on bullying and should take action against the bully either in the form of a suspension, apology and warning that this should not continue.
As a mother I completely understand that you want to support your child in the best way possible and bullying is an extremely difficult situation to handle. The best thing to do is let your child know that you are there to support him in every way and that you will not allow this to continue. Reassure your child that you are doing everything you can to ensure that he will be safe and happy again.
School change
If the school is not tackling the bullying or you are unhappy with the school's action you could consider changing schools. I always feel it is better for the bully to change schools rather than your son. However, if the bully is affecting your son's education and he is too scared to go he might feel more comfortable at another school.
You might also want to contact the education authority in your area if you feel the school are not doing enough to prevent bullying, or if there are credible reports that bullying is a wider problem at the school.
At this point though, the best thing you can do right now is to talk to the principle about what your son is experiencing at school. I hope that the principle at your son's school will take the appropriate action to ensure that your child feels safe and happy at school and dismisses the bully for his actions.
I hope this answer helps in some way.