I'll answer this tomorrow (LOL) I guess we can all procrastinate when tasks are unpleasant and boring. I don't know that work will be more fun if you get it done sooner, but it certainly feels better when you know you have accomplished a task.
If you can break up the task into a series of smaller tasks, it will be easier to do it one part at a time. Take a short break between each one. Stretch your legs, have a snack, anything that won't take too long. Then you can tackle the next part.
If there is something you would rather be doing, make that a goal or reward. "I won't be able to do that if I don't finish this." Make sure the environment is free of those things that tend to distract you. For myself, I find that some music in the background makes me more comfortable and able to work. I mean background music, not something loud, or something you want to dance to or sing along with. It works for me.
If you can break up the task into a series of smaller tasks, it will be easier to do it one part at a time. Take a short break between each one. Stretch your legs, have a snack, anything that won't take too long. Then you can tackle the next part.
If there is something you would rather be doing, make that a goal or reward. "I won't be able to do that if I don't finish this." Make sure the environment is free of those things that tend to distract you. For myself, I find that some music in the background makes me more comfortable and able to work. I mean background music, not something loud, or something you want to dance to or sing along with. It works for me.