Receptionist: Good day sir.
Client: How do you do?
Receptionist: Are you looking to stay with us?
Clients: Indeed.
Receptionist: How long will you be staying with us?
Clients: I am attending a three day conference, so will need a room for two nights.
Receptionist: We will be only too happy to accommodate you. There are a selection of rooms available: Facing the street at the front, facing the communal garden at the back...
Clients: facing the garden please, I assume those will be more quiet?
Receptionist: That's correct.
Clients: And more expensive?
Receptionist: Here is the price list..
Clients: Very well then, I'll take it.
Receptionist: Excellent. Here are your keys. You are booked into room 808. The elevator is down the hall. Shall I arrange for a bellboy to bring your bags up?
Clients: No, I can manage thanks.
Receptionist: Very well, enjoy your stay at Hotel Blurtit.
Clients: Thank-you kindly.