
What To Write In A Baby Book For Baby Shower?


1 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
When attending a baby shower, there may be a baby book in which to write a message. Depending on how close you are to the parents of the baby, your message should convey both your feelings of congratulations and your happiness at being one of those attending the baby shower. If you are writing in the baby book of a close friend or relative, be sure to illustrate how much they mean to you. Of course, you should always address the other parent too, even if you are only close to one of the parents; they are a couple now and you should acknowledge both of them in your thoughts.

The following tips will guide you in writing the perfect baby book message:

• Make your message short and to the point. The book requires you to write a short paragraph, not a full page of writing! Include only what you really want to say to the parents.
• Keep the tone of your message positive at all times. The baby shower should be a happy occasion; a time at which worries can be forgotten. This doesn't prevent you from mentioning in the baby book that you will always be there for help and advice.
• Don't forget about the baby! Address the baby about to be born with a sweet and funny message. When the child is older, they will read through the baby book and appreciate that you were thinking of them as a person already.
• Include a funny anecdote, perhaps one that relates to the subject of having children. For instance, you could remind your friends of the time many years ago when they insisted they would never be a couple - keeping things light-hearted, of course! In all, write a message that has an amusing and positive tone, whilst conveying your feelings and support and congratulations.

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