How minutes or hours should we read a book?


4 Answers

Bradley  Lomax Profile
Bradley Lomax answered

I don't think there is a required set amount of time daily to read a book.  Personally I would suggest reading a book that interests you, especially during the day, as it can be a nice inbetween break - like if you have school or use public transport. Try and find little time - reading it can really pass the time during the mundane aspects of life

Kathryn Amis Profile
Kathryn Amis answered

Hi. That depends on a couple of things......

  • The book and how much it interests you
  • How much time you have
Reading has been my first joy since I was old enough to read.  I don't think there have been many days in my life since then when I haven't read something!

Of course other things get in the way-children, housework, cooking, working etc, etc.  But - always at the end of the day I've been to steal 10 minutes to read!

When I was a teenager living at home with no responsibilities (blessed days!) I could lose myself in a good book for hours.

I cannot imagine life without a book or reading!

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I like to read, some days I read a little several times a day, other days I just read before I go to bed for about a half an hour to an hour...or whenever I fall asleep

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I like to read for at least an hour before I go to bed and any chance I get during the day. If it's a good book, I'll stay with it as much as I can. Personally ? I love to read. Very relaxing.

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