Don't mean to be rude at all.. Do you think that if Americans live in Hawaii, their English skills would deteriorate because English spoken there is not sophisticated due to large number of non-native speakers?


4 Answers

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

Americans DO live in Hawaii....considering Hawaii is part if America. *sighs*

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

I was born and raised in Hawaii and I speak English very well.  Granted I've been away from Hawaii for decades but I always spoke well.  Yes there are many there who speak "pigeon English", when living there, at times I did as well.  The think is, my parents insisted that we spoke "proper English " at home. 

Ellie E. Weedon Profile
Ellie E. Weedon answered

Duh, you've got to be kidding.

Haha, Hawaii is America.

Lmao :/

ZombieE Lee Profile
ZombieE Lee answered

I don't know what you're talking about. I live in Oklahoma and English is deteriorating down here way faster than in Hawaii /:

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