I am 1/4 Hispanic (my grandmother is Mexican) and I'm about to begin applying to colleges. Should I still mark the Hispanic category on applications even though my race is white and you can't tell I'm Hispanic by looking at me?


3 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

I put "Human" and a😃.

Its your choice. Know this you can't be interchanging your category on college applications.

I would suggest you choose either

1. Hispanic

2. White

Finally "Outside Looks" doesn't  determine your ethnicity. I know many people who don't look like their "Race".

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I would just mark "White" ! Since that's what you mainly are. I'm 100% Italian with a darker skin tone but I never see Italian on any forms so I always just mark "White". I think that's dumb that they even ask that and it should be done away with.

Maurice Korvo Profile
Maurice Korvo answered

Human rights laws in Canada make it illegal to ask such questions in Canada. I always thought the US had similar laws.

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