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I think in English (the only language that I know) but I think in pictures when I listen to music.
My thoughts are really confusing lol. I think in pictures but everything is pretty much in Japanese, hahah.
Since English is my only language, that's how I think. But pictures are beyond me. I have little ability to visualise anything. (Mrs Didge has a very visual mind and can think me under the table.)
Dear Nina,
This is an interesting question...
Some years ago when first attempting meditation, I used an exercise suggested by Buddhism where you just ask yourself a theoretically unanswerable question ("What is the mind?"), and hold your mind there, experiencing that stillness even for just a few seconds.
This is done as a way to quiet what Buddhism calls the "monkey mind," with constant barrage of thought, constantly jumping around.
The point being...lately as I watch my mind, I notice understanding, conclusions, questions, insights of various kinds forming with NEITHER words nor pictures...just abiding there...and then I can translate into words if I wish.
For a very interesting discussion of image thinking, I loved a book I learned about on the old; by Temple Grandin, describing her experience of autism, which was immensely valuable in the research she did (she has a Ph.D).* * *
The title of her book is THINKING IN PICTURES.