How does my story sound so far?


1 Answers

Hannah Richard Profile
Hannah Richard answered

Aside from my small mistakes how does this sound

It's been 6 years since the incident with my parents.  A lot of changes have been made. Mom was sick and tired of living in that old house, it only brought back the memories of him, she was growing sick from the spiraling depression. She also inaugurated with alcoholism.

I thought it was just because of her depression, I even thought it was one of her many coping mechanisms. But no, shes became addicted to drinking. Just like my father did. I could see her slowly turning in him to. She lost her job and everything. She wasn't the sweet loving mom anymore, she was more impudent now. And I was honestly worried for her

"Kayla. Would you mind checking the mail for me?" She asked me in a gravelly tone. Her voice was never this strident and rough. I hurried down the staircase in my very pajamas and saw her on the couch nearly fatigued. I nodded and tucked my hair behind my ears before opening the door in our very apartment. Yes we live in an apartment now.

This apartment wasn't everything, but it was cozy and we felt safe here. I gripped hold to the mail and read it, she had lots of bills that needed to be paid, the light bill, the water bill, and most importantly the electric bill. If she didn't pay these, it would be as if we were homeless in our own home.

"Here mom" I handed her the mail and she squinted her eyes a bit, I sat at the kitchen table and took out the leftover pizza. It was cold, like usual.

She scoffed after she read it "damn bills. Can't they see I'm unemployed now? Money doesn't grow on trees" she hissed stridently. She threw the mail across the floor and I came over to pick them up, the house was already messy as it was.

"I don't see why your making it so hard on yourself mom. I told you what the drinking would do to you but you didn't listen" I stated accordingly.

She hissed once more, the tears making its way down her cheeks. Once I noticed, I kneeled down to her.

"Mom. He's gone okay? He won't be back in a long while and...I want you to move on. You used to be happy. You used to smile and you were always positive" I said "you were always positive. But now...Now, I can't even look at you anymore. Because...I was never use to you not smiling, I was never use to you being this way"

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