Should I quit medical school?! I am 22 yrs and just started my first year after convincing my parents for long 4 years to study abroad, but I never realized that I would be hating it here and the university atmosphere and missing home. help!


4 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

This is a tough situation you are in. ๐Ÿ˜”

There is A LOT in your question. First of all, the first few weeks/months of anything new is tough till you catch on to what's going on. Then there is the fact that sometimes it's the thrill of the challenge/chase. How bad did you really want to be a doctor? Did you take into consideration that becoming a doctor takes every bit of your time and energy for years on end? Is the dream of wearing that white coat bigger then the sadness of missing your home? Can you be a doctor in your own home town? This is just a few thoughts I had......

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I suggest you complete your first year before making any decisions. Things will most likely settle down for you as you continue to adapt to what are probably overwhelming changes at the moment.

I would think that if you drop out of medical school now, getting back in would be an extremely difficult task.

Skyler Ve Profile
Skyler Ve answered

Try to find the source of your issues/anxieties and discuss them with someone or try to logically solve them.

Dumb Goat Profile
Dumb Goat answered

The thing about thinking that you can't take any more of something is that pushing through that feeling will make the rest of the journey much easier. With those types of things, you just have to get used to it and get by and you'll become more resistant to the negative effects, making it more bearable. It's like the running term of "second wind."

I remember a time in my life where I was working and studying 14 hours a day (including weekends) with robotics. It started to feel unbearable, but I just decided that I will get used to it and took it by day just making myself get on that bus to go. It ended up being highly rewarding that I stayed.

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