What is your biggest regret in life you wish you can go back and change?? For me its finishing college and have a 4 yr degree .2 year degree is worthless


3 Answers

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

I would not marry the man I did. He was a drunk and a wife beater. Many times I thought I would not see the light of day again.

dragonfly forty-six Profile

Otis, I have no regrets. I sometimes worry if that is normal. I've lived a hard life, but everything bad that happened brought me something good. I had a lot of silver linings.

The decisions I made were made with the information that I had at the time, hindsight is always 20/20. The really sad things, I could not control..

I've made my peace with everyone. Apologized when I should have, said goodbye when I should have, honored those who left me ,and held no grudges. I chose to make each day count, I laughed , loved and cried. I live peacefully every day knowing it could be my last.

When my time comes, my dog will be waiting for me. I don't know what happens after this, but I believe that I will see her again. That and maybe having a grandkid someday is what keeps me moving.

Dances With  Wolves Profile

My biggest regret is not finishing Business school . I had 4-6 months to go and i could of least graduated with a Diploma but i had to quit Business school cause i developed emotional problems.

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