How Did Medieval Europeans Measure Time?


2 Answers

Christopher Adam Profile
Time was of far less importance during the Middle Ages than it is today and few people really paid much attention to time. In Medieval Europe, the smallest units of measuring time were hours. Time was usually only approximate and most events were only given general, or very vague dates. Western Europe also used the Julian Calendar at this time.

In the Middle Ages, time and history were divided into two, broad stages, centered around Christian theology. The first stage dated from the beginning of creation to the incarnation. The second stage included the entire period following the incarnation.

The two main methods of keeping time during the Middle Ages were through the tolling of church bells and by looking at the sky and the movement of the sun. The Church provided the most accurate measure of time during the Middle Ages by using sundials and water clocks. Falling weights were often used to regulate the tolling of church bells. The most important change in measuring time took place during the 14th century, which saw the development of the mechanical clock and increased precision in the measurement of time.

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