
How To Convert Meters Into Square Meters?


37 Answers

Ebony Nash Profile
Ebony Nash answered
The formula for this is slightly different depending on the shape of the area. The simplest method for finding square meters is if you are conducting the measurements of a rectangular or square area. Firstly, you need to measure the length of the base in metres, followed by the width. Once you have recorded those measurements all you have to do is simply multiply them together and you will find the amount in square meters. The calculation is slightly different if you are trying to find the square meter of a triangular area. What you need to do first is measure the base of the triangle and then measure the height of the area. After that you should multiply the base and the height together and divide that number by 2, which will give you the area of the triangular space.

One of the most frequently used measurements in home improvements is square inches and there is a type of calculation you can carry out to find out a measurement in square inches. First of all you should clear the area of any obstructions so you can get the most accurate measurements. Once you’ve done that you should find the length of the area using a tape measure, and carry out the task twice so you can be sure you have the correct length. Then you should measure the width of the area using the same process and write down the measurement in inches. Again, repeat the process to gain the accurate number. Finally, multiply the length of the area by the width using a calculator. The result that materialises will be the area of the room in square inches.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Area 400 x 400 x 300 meters how many square meters is that
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
20x6x10 meters = how many square meters?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What is the formula for convert the meter to square meter
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
When dia of pipe is 12'-Inch & Length is 120Meter than what will be the Sq.Meter.

How to find the same
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
4 meters to square meters
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Since you said 'diameter', I assume you mean finding the area of a circle with diameter 5 meters.
The formula for finding area of a circle is pi X (radius squared) OR pi X radius X radius.
Diameter = 5m, Radius would be 5m/2 = 2.5m
So the area of the circle would be 3.141592... X 2.5m X 2.5m = 19.63495...square meters

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